Fluoroscopy is an imaging technique that uses X-rays to obtain real-time moving images of the internal structures of the body. At Sahan Diagnostic Center, we utilize advanced fluoroscopy technology to provide dynamic imaging, essential for both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Real-Time Imaging
Unlike static X-rays, fluoroscopy provides live imaging, allowing for the observation of movement and function within the body.
Image Intensification
Modern fluoroscopy equipment amplifies the X-ray images, making it easier to see fine details.
Low-Dose Radiation
Contemporary fluoroscopy systems are designed to minimize patient radiation exposure while maintaining image quality.
Gastrointestinal Studies
Such as barium swallows and enemas, to examine the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
Used to visualize blood vessels and the flow of blood through them, particularly useful in diagnosing blockages or abnormalities.
Orthopedic Procedures:
Assists in the accurate placement of orthopedic implants and in the visualization of bones and joints during surgery.
Urological Exams
Helps in evaluating the urinary system, including kidneys, bladder, and urethra.
Catheter Insertion and Guiding
Essential in procedures like cardiac catheterization, where catheters are guided to the heart or other areas.